其實這樣的學生在我們周圍也有不少,他們在P5P7之間苦苦周旋,原本2年考完了前面13門,但卻牢牢的卡在了 P5、P7上。不少同學都開始懷疑起人生。今天給P5P7久考不過的同學分享這位外國學生的經(jīng)歷,不是寫的有多好,是給你們一種精神上的鼓舞,知道不是你一個人在戰(zhàn)斗!還有比你更慘的~

作者:Wendy watkins

Try,try and try again

I have finally passed my ACCA P5 exam with a mark of 70 after failing five times (marls in 40s) and now an Affiliate .

There's been many times throughout my ACCA journey that I have wantet to give up -I felt incapable of passing P5 due to not understanding the requirements in the questions . I feel that the Marth exam had a combination of Alex Watt's confusing style and a more understandable style.

I decided to study differently for this last exam .For previous sittings I had revised for such long periods of time and gone through past exams papers (which i found souldestroying)and found that i was exhausted the week before the exam and having to force myself to revise. This time i left my revision until 10 days before the exam -i didn't do any past papers and felt more refreshed and able to tackle the exam on the day .This approach is not recommended to anyone who hasn't failed as many times as myself!

when you have sat the exam this many times it's inpossible not to konw the syllabus ,it's just about being able to think clearly on the day and apply taht

knowledge in the exam hall. i haved reading PQmagazine ,and seeing oter people's comments regarding this exam gave me the belif that i was capable and that i wasn't the only person feeling this pain . i'd like to say a great big thank-you to peoples for helping me to  get through this .



