ACCA F3第四章是同學(xué)們開始接觸財務(wù)會計的第一章,俗話說萬事開頭難,很多同學(xué)在剛開始接觸這部分內(nèi)容的時候會有很多困惑和混淆,那么我們在這里總結(jié)一下同學(xué)們最常問到的幾個問題,來讓我們看看同學(xué)們經(jīng)常產(chǎn)生疑問的知識點(diǎn)有哪些。







The following information is relevant for questions 4.1 and 4.2.

On 1 May 20X9 Marshall's cash book showed a cash balance of $224 and an overdraft of $336. During the

week ended 6 May the following transactions took place.

May 1 Sold $160 of goods to P Dixon on credit.

May 1 Withdrew $50 of cash from the bank for business use.

May 2 Purchased goods from A Clarke on credit for $380 less 15% trade discount.

May 2 Repaid a debt of $120 owing to R Hill, taking advantage of a 10% cash discount. The

payment was by cheque.

May 3 Sold $45 of goods for cash.

May 4 Sold $80 of goods to M Maguire on credit, offering a 121/2% discount if payment made within

7 days.

May 4 Paid a telephone bill of $210 by cheque.

May 4 Purchased $400 of goods on credit from D Daley.

May 5 Received a cheque from H Larkin for $180. Larkin has taken advantage of a $20 cash

discount offered to him.

May 5 Sold $304 of goods to M Donald on credit.

May 5 Purchased $135 of goods from Honour Co by cheque.

May 6 Received a cheque from D Randle for $482.

May 6 Purchased $100 of goods on credit from G Perkins.

4.1 What is the total of the sales day book?

A $544

B $589

C $534

D $579 (2 marks)

學(xué)生疑問:Sales day book包含哪些內(nèi)容?


知識點(diǎn):CHAPTER 4 // Sources, records and books of prime entry的4.3 Sales and purchase day books.



Sales day book記錄的是所有credit sales,所以題目中的:


May 1 Sold $160 of goods to P Dixon on credit;

May 4 Sold $80 of goods to M Maguire on credit, offering a 121/2% discount if payment made within 7 days;

May 5 Sold $304 of goods to M Donald on credit;


符合要求,應(yīng)該分別記錄到sales day book當(dāng)中,至于Sold $45 of goods for cash.這一項(xiàng)是現(xiàn)金銷售不能計入sales day book。







4.2 What is the total of the purchases day book?


A $880

B $823

C $1,033

D $958 (2 marks)


疑問:purchase day book包含哪些內(nèi)容?


 知識點(diǎn):CHAPTER 4 // Sources, records and books of prime entry的4.3 Sales and purchase day books.





May 2 Purchased goods from A Clarke on credit for $380 less 15% trade discount.

May 4 Purchased $400 of goods on credit from D Daley.

May 6 Purchased $100 of goods on credit from G Perkins.


這三項(xiàng)滿足條件,其中根據(jù)權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生制,對于第一個trade discount要減去獲得的折扣,所以380×85%=323。



You are given the following information:


Receivables at 1 January 20X3 $10,000

Receivables at 31 December 20X3 $9,000

Total receipts during 20X3 (including cash sales(現(xiàn)金銷售) of $5,000) $85,000


What are sales on credit during 20X3?

A $81,000

B $86,000

C $79,000

D $84,000 (2 marks)




知識點(diǎn):CHAPTER 4 // Sources, records and books of prime entry

總收入=現(xiàn)金收入+賒銷收入=85,000=5,000+80,000,只有賒銷收入(sales on credit, 80,000)才會產(chǎn)生“應(yīng)收賬款”。并且,應(yīng)收賬款為貸方科目。
















The following totals appear in the day books for March 20X8.


Sales day book 40,000

Purchases day book 20,000

Returns inwards day book 2,000

Returns outward day book 4,000

Opening and closing inventories are both $3,000. What is the gross profit for March 20X8?


A $22,000

B $24,000

C $20,000

D $18,000 (2 marks)


學(xué)生疑問:returns inwards是采購?fù)素洠圆少徥?0,000-2,000=18,000;銷售是40,000-4,000=36,000.所以利潤是36,000-18,000=18,000.為什么不對。


知識點(diǎn):CHAPTER 4 // Sources, records and books of prime entry的4.3 Sales and purchase day books.


這道題考察的相關(guān)知識點(diǎn)是日記賬的相關(guān)知識,在書上CH4,那么我們先來看看題目:以下的匯總出現(xiàn)在2008年3月份的各日記賬中;然后下面四個日記賬分別是銷售日記賬,購貨日記賬,return inwards就是銷售退回日記賬,也就是銷貨退回不是采購?fù)嘶?;return outwards是采購?fù)素洠梢岳斫馐窍蛲馔嘶啬强隙ㄊ前巡少彽呢浳锊攀窍蚱髽I(yè)外退貨,所以兩個不要搞反。


區(qū)別在書上在P51頁,再好好看看理解一下,那么這道題中銷售額就是$40,000-2,000=$38,000,采購額就是$20,000-4,000=$16,000,由于庫存前后相等所以這里不考慮庫存;最后計算gross profit就是$38,000-16,000等于$22,000。


4.18 Which of the following statements is/are TRUE or FALSE?


1 Cash purchases are recorded in the purchases day book.

2 The sales day books is used to keep a list of invoices received from suppliers.


A Both statements are TRUE

B Both statements are FALSE

C Statement 1 is TRUE and statement 2 is FALSE

D Statement 1 is FALSE and statement 2 is TRUE (2 marks)




知識點(diǎn):CHAPTER 4 // Sources, records and books of prime entry的4.3 Sales and purchase day books.

