CFA是全球投資業(yè)里最為嚴(yán)格的資格認(rèn)證,被稱為金融第一考的考試,是含金量最高的證書。要想順利通過CFA考試,需要付出一定的時(shí)間和精力。澤稷CFA網(wǎng)課老師結(jié)了2015-2016 CFA一級(jí)考綱變化,希望對(duì)備考的同學(xué)有所幫助。

1、 關(guān)于財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表分析,inventory以及l(fā)ong linved assets有部分內(nèi)容從二級(jí)變化到了一級(jí);

2、 組合管理新增加了一個(gè)reading的內(nèi)容。

Financial Statement Analysis

R23 Financial Reporting Mechanics:

增加內(nèi)容:describe how business activities are classified for financial reporting purpose。


R25 Understanding Income Statement:

增加內(nèi)容:describe key aspects of the converged accounting standards issued by the International Accouting Standards Board and Financial Accounting Standards Boards in May 2014。

修改內(nèi)容:describe the financial epoeting treatment and analysisi of nonrecurring items (including discontinued operatingon extrordinary items, unusual or infrequent items) and changes in accounting policies.


R29 Inventory:


1、Calculate and explain how inflation and deflation of inventory costs affect the financial statements and ratios of companies that use different inventory valuation methods.

2、Explain LIFO reserve and LIFO liquidation and their effects on financial statements and ratios;

3、Convert a company's reported financial statements from LIFO to FIFI for purpose of comparison.

4、Describe impliations of valuing inventory at net realizable value for financial statemnts and ratios.

5、Explain issues that analysts should consider when examning a company's inventory disclosures and other sources of information.

6、Calculate and compare ratios of companies icnluding companies that use different inventory methods.


R30 Long lived Assets:


1、 Explain and evaluate how capitalizing versus expensing costs in the period in which they are incurred affects financial statements and ratios.

2、 Explain and evaluate how impairment revaluation and derecognition of property plant and equipments and intangible assets affect financial statements and ratios.

3、 Analyze and interpret financial statement disclosures reagarding property plant and equipment and intangible assets.

4、 Explain and evaluate how leasing rather than purchasing assets affects financial statements and ratios.

5、 Explain and evaluate how finance leases and operating leases affect financial statements and ratios from the perspective of both the lessor and lessee.


R31 Income Taxes:

修改內(nèi)容:Explain recognition and measurement of current and deferred tax items.


Portfolio Management

R42 Risk Management an Introduction:

增加內(nèi)容:The whole reading.


Equitiy Analysis

R48 Security Market Indices:


1、 Describe market anomalies

2、 Describe behavioral finance and its potential relevance to understanding market anomalies.

備注:關(guān)于behavioral finance這個(gè)考點(diǎn)的內(nèi)容基本做了比較大的修改,也在原版書里面增加了相應(yīng)內(nèi)容,其他沒有改變。

R50 Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis:


1、 Explain how a company's Industry classification canbe used to identify a potential "peer group" for equity valuation.(只是描述有點(diǎn)變化)

2、 Explain the effects of barriers to entry industry concentration industry capacity and market share stability on pricing power and price comtetition.(文字描述有點(diǎn)改變)

3、 Describe industry life cycle model classify and industry as to life cycle stage and describe limitations of the life cycle concept in forecasting industry performance.(刪除了一個(gè)describe product life cycle的小考點(diǎn))

4、 Describe macroeconomic technological demographic governmental and social influences on industry growth profitability and risk.(只有考點(diǎn)描述的變化)

Fixed Income Analysis

R53 Fixed Income Market: Issuance Trading and Funding:


1、Describe secrtrities issued by sovereign government

2、Describe securities issued by non sovereign governement, quasi-government entities and supranational agencies.(1與2原本的一個(gè)考點(diǎn)拆分成兩個(gè)考點(diǎn))

3、Describe repurchase agreements (repos) and the risks associated with them.(文字上有所改動(dòng),但是在內(nèi)容上增加了structured financial instruments)

R55 Asset Backed Securities:


1、 Describe typical structures of securitizations including credit tranching and time tranching.

2、 Describe types and characteristics of residential mortgage-backed securities including mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations and explain the cash flows and risks for each type.

3、 Define prepayment risk and describe the prepayment risk of mortgage securities.


1、Describe securitization icnluding the parties involved in the process and the roles they play.

2、Describe types and characteristics of non-mortgage asset securities including the cash flows and risks of each types.

3、Describe collateralized debt obligations including their cash flows and risks.


Explain the motivation for creating securitized structures with multiple tranches (e.g: collateralized mortgage obligations)and the characterstics and risks of securitized structures.


R56 Fixed Income Risk and Return:

修改內(nèi)容:Explain how a bond's maturity, coupon and yield level affect its interest rate risk

備注:考綱里去除了embedded option對(duì)于duration的影響,但是在原版書里面還留有相應(yīng)內(nèi)容。

R57 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis:


Describe default probability and loss severity as components of credit risk.


1、Explain the four Cs (Capacity, Collateral, Covenants and Character) of traditional credit analysis.

2、Explain special considerations when evaluating the credit of high yield sovereign and non-sovereign government debt issuers and issues.

刪除內(nèi)容:Calculate the return impact of spread changes.


1、 刪除的內(nèi)容僅限考綱,原版書的內(nèi)容沒有刪除,在原本也不算重點(diǎn)。

2、 其他新增和修改對(duì)整體來說實(shí)質(zhì)沒有太大改變。

Fixed Income Analysis

R61 Introduction to Alternattive Investment:


1、 Describe hedge funds private equity real estate commodities infrastructure and other alternative investments including as applicable strategies sub-catefories potential benefits and risks fee structures and due diligence.

2、 Describe issues in valuing and calculating returns on hedge funds private equity real estate commodities and infrastructure.


