




provide a possible explanation as to why we have seen a fall in stock market prices in recent weeks and what impact this might have on economic growth in the UK.

首先要把題目的不必要的枝干去掉,確定我們要回答的“Why stock markets might fall+Impact on the UK”這兩個(gè)問(wèn)題。


分析——在分析的過(guò)程中,要把題目中的大問(wèn)題打碎,變成一個(gè)個(gè)小問(wèn)題,會(huì)更加容易理解,可以寫的point也會(huì)增加。拿我們的例題來(lái)說(shuō),可以分成這樣幾個(gè)小問(wèn)來(lái)回答:how much the stock market has fallen,over what period,what other events were happening at the same time,do we have any theories that could help or theoretical models we could apply etc.這樣把問(wèn)題分解之后,下手就簡(jiǎn)單很多,思路一下子就清楚了,再也不慌了。




再比如說(shuō),imagine the impact of falling oil prices on an engineering company in the West Midlands,我們就可以說(shuō)油價(jià)的下跌會(huì)導(dǎo)致交通費(fèi)的下降,可以讓消費(fèi)者享受到更優(yōu)惠的價(jià)格,從而刺激需求的上漲。



It‘s great to be knowledgeable,but to pass an exam knowing the answer is often not enough.Questions set by examiners seek to do far more than identify people who“know stuff,”they want the student to prove understanding and that they can use the knowledge,not simply reproduce it.

The knowing doing gap

There is sometimes a disconnect between what you know and what you can explain.Have you ever said to yourself,“I know what I want to say but can’t find the words”or“what more can I say,I feel like I am just repeating the same point”.This may be the result of a lack of understanding and simply requires more study or it might be that you just need a better way to think about what you’re trying to do.

Analyse,Explain–clarify–Example e.g.e.g.e.g.

Imagine you’re faced with a question,it asks that you,provide a possible explanation as to why we have seen a fall in stock market prices in recent weeks and what impact this might have on economic growth in the UK.Often the first problem is knowing where to start,below are a few ideas that might help.

You will need a few headings to help give structure,these can often be found in the question,here for example we could use,Why stock markets might fall and Impact on the UK.Then under each heading think about analysing,explaining,clarifying and giving examples.These are not headings;they are to help expand on what you have been asked to do and give a perspective from which to think.

First you analyse–If you analyse something you break it up into smaller parts so as to gain a better understanding.For example going back to the question,perhaps we should identify exactly by how much the stock market has fallen,over what period,what other events were happening at the same time,do we have any theories that could help or theoretical models we could apply etc.By examining what you have found,something new and obvious may become clear.

Then you explain–an explanation is an attempt to make clear what you mean.One way of doing this is by making a series of statements.So for example,if you noticed that during the period in which we had the fall in the stock market,China’s economy also slowed and oil prices fell to unprecedented levels.This might lead you to make the statement–one of the reasons for the fall in stock market prices would appear to be the slowdown in the Chinese economy and the fall in demand for oil.

A subset of explanation is clarification.Definitions are a great way to clarify exactly what something means and in what context it is being used.Here for example we might want to include a definition of economic growth.

And finally the example itself,possibly one of the very best ways of explaining and a very powerful technique to demonstrate understanding.

Example“Metaphor’s forgotten sibling”.John Lyons

It may be a reference to a real world example.In the question we have to address the impact on the growth in the UK economy.If you gave an example of the last time oil prices were so low and what happened as a result you will not only be demonstrating breadth of knowledge but also moving the debate forward,suggesting perhaps that the same will happen again?

Real world examples demonstrate the complexity and unpredictability of real issues,and as such,can stimulate critical thinking.

Students learn by connecting new knowledge with their own prior knowledge and real-world experiences.Piaget et al

An example may also be a construct,something that you talk through to illustrate a point.For example,let us imagine the impact of falling oil prices on an engineering company in the West Midlands.A reduction in oil prices would result in lower transportation costs that could be passed onto customers in the form of lower prices,in turn this should increase demand.
